Friday, February 4, 2011

A Feminist Roar

I was walking to class today and a wild series of thoughts hit me. I was walking and a girl passed me. She was tall, had great legs and a nice butt. She had an awesome outfit on and most importantly, she looked like she felt amazing. She looked on top of the world!
My first thoughts were jealous. I envied her body and her attitude. Those are basically my initial reactions to every girl who I deem more attractive than me.
My second thoughts were much different.
I thought, "Good for her! Fuck, it's amazing ANYONE can feel good about themselves when everyone around them with a voice loud enough is telling them they're not good enough!"
Every single industry that markets to women is making money off of our insecurities and lack of self-worth. Every single man that objectifies a woman is telling her she is nothing if she does not have a good body.
That's bullshit.
I hate feeling shitty about myself. I hate seeing other women feel shitty about themselves.
How do we organize ourselves, make ourselves a powerful enough entity to defy this regime? We have to unite. Compliment each other, tell ourselves that we're fucking awesome, and love one another no matter how their hair is cut or colored. As soon as we can feel good about ourselves and who we are independent of how we appear, that industry of insecurity will crumble.
And on top of that, we'll feel good.
Gosh, it's embarrassing to try and remember the last time I've felt good.
So, girl who rocked it today, thanks. Maybe I'll be able to rock it too someday.

It is so hard to tell myself something different from what everyone else is telling me.

And it's not even just women anymore. Men are being just as attacked as we are now. Have you seen those Axe commercials?
"Men, you are not good enough and women won't like you if you don't smell like how we tell you to."

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