Saturday, October 1, 2011


Want to talk about drones in war? Probably not but I don't give a shit.

We have mentally armed a youth greedy for action and violence. In the past this would have been fine, they'd have joined the military, killed a man and been scarred for life. They'd learn a reverence for life and creation and beauty after some possible therapy.

We have put a curtain between our soldiers and their "enemy" with drones. It's a new video game. It's now a game. You don't see the face of you'r victim. You don't understand the magnitude of your actions. You stare at a screen and miss the heavy, horrible consequences of your actions.

Drones are a step in the wrong direction.

We are turning war into a game. No, we can't call that war. That's a massacre. We have become a monster.
We are murdering from a distance. Helpless people who are fighting for things they value are being cut down like a lawn and our soldiers see no bloodshed.
This is wrong.
To me it's not different than buying your meat vacuum packed and clean instead of prizing it from an animal you fought yourself. But that's a different blog...

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