Friday, July 30, 2010


I haven't been sailing in a while. Because now I work. Okay okay, you can all stop feeling bad for me. Pity party is over.

But really, I miss it.

Don't tell me it isn't awesome, because I know it is.

Anyway, attempts to get the boat to myself are failing. SO, we have a new plan! All of these hours I'm wasting NOT sailing and instead working, will be for the sole purpose of owning my own boat to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.
There are some b-e-a-uuutiful boats out there my friends, and the places I can go on the water! Ugh! Sailing is my heart and soul. I feel so alive and connected to everything.
When breaking waves and all you can hear is the wind and the water, you feeling like you're flying.
I miss, and love, sailing. A lot.
If I could, (which I will be able to hopefully within the next couple years) I would take all of my friends out on the water to experience what I do.

P.S. I miss school.
P.P.S. I'm in the red life vest. Check out my rockin' Beatles hair.

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