Friday, August 27, 2010

A Small Error

I'm an avid follower of Glenn Beck and all his prophecies of doom and gloom and he made a point today that I would like to expand on.
He mentioned that some cities have cut out funding for their police due to budget cuts. It has gotten so bad, that they will no longer "waste" their time by coming to the scenes of a theft or break-in that has been reported.
So... what?
If you find your home is broken into and you call the police...
No one will come?
That is absurd!!! Of all the things you cut, you cut the funding for you police systems!? What are you thinking, my stupid country!?
That is something you are allowed to cut, by all means, as a last resort.
But not when your mayors and idiotic government party planners are racking in ten times the average salary.
When shit hits the fan, everyone will hurt and no matter how big your nest egg, you greedy bastards, shit will hit your fan and it will hit hard.
Let's expand more on that scenario I drew up.
Your house is broken into.
The police are not coming.
And you have no idea whether the burglar is in your house or if it is safe at all.
That's when the big, fat government slaps your other cheek.
You can't own a gun and can't protect yourself even when no one else will protect you.
Your own government bans your weaponry, making you absolutely dependent upon them.
And then they pull back the protection they offered you.
That is a horrible thing.
That is a stupid thing.
I am not excited about this country's future and I have a long way to go within its borders.

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