Thursday, September 9, 2010

I love What If's.

The idea of knowing that there are an infinite number of alternative routes you could have taken in your life blows my mind.
At any one point, you can make a decision and you could've made a million other decisions that would have taken your life in a completley different direction.
Just as it blows my mind, it also scares me shitless.
Which so many options to pick from, what if we make a mistake? What if we go down the wrong path?
How can you tell which decision is the absolute best?
You can't.
And you can't go back and redo it.
Life is so terrifying sometimes. All I want is to have a warm bed to come home to, a warm meal once in a while, and my boy to hold my hand.
But there are so many other things worth pursuing. I literately have an entire globe under my feet, how do I know where to start or what to hold on to?
I won't know until I've come to the end of that many forked road and looked back.
And all I can hope for is that I can accept myself when all is said and done.

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