Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning something every day!

I'm watching my boyfriend do his homework with his music in his ears and his eyes on his paper. He's such a hard worker and driven to such great success.
Sometimes I wish he would drop it for a minute just to be with and hold me.
But that drive and focus that keeps him glued to his desk is what I fell in love with.
Women really are a bundle of contradictions...
Times like that, it's difficult to find all the small things he did for me that day that shows he does love me even while he's doing homework.
Like the fact that he went to the gym and rode the bike with me.
And while I cried and moaned about my worries and needs, he looked me straight in the eye and listened.
Somehow I need to find a way to relax.
To draw some sewn seeds in a previous post, I need to find a way to eradicate those notions of insecurity and nervousness. How can I do that? Can he help me with that?
Is this something that spawns from an internal storm or something in me reacting to an external force?
Thank goodness I'm taking Psychology... maybe my questions will really be answered.

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