Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can you even imagine?

Yesterday I was in one of those hormonal swings of emotion in which I get caught up in evils and sainthood and I stew in the misery of being alive and human. My darling boyfriend was trying to pull me off that swing and onto solid ground and I started thinking:

What would the world be like if everyone strove for success of the human race?
What if everyone felt their purpose in life was to better the quality of life for every man, woman, and child?
What if the reason every being grew up, went to school, and learned a trade was in order to make the world around them a better place?
What if there was no such thing as individual gain?
What if there was no pleasure found in collecting personal riches?

I didn't know where I was going to go from there.

But then Will in his blog Hardcore Genting, showed me a society where that already exists.
Yes! Here on this Earth there is a species where they build towers a mile high (in relation to their size) and dig a mile deep and construct beautiful things with nothing but wood, spit, and total dedication to their species as a whole.

This video painted a beautiful picture in my head.

A society where men are angels. Mankind needs no reigning force to keep them in line.
In a vast and every darkening world, man looked for nothing but beauty and creation for every being.
Can you imagine what we would have already accomplished had most of us not wasted our lifetime on monetary gain???
We would definitely already have a near perfectly efficient source of energy.
Can you picture buildings a mile high with gardens on every floor and absolutely no waste from the creation and upkeep of such an extravagant building?

Can you imagine living in a dorm at your school and eating dinner and sharing with your peers exactly how each one wanted to make the world brighter, cleaner, or healthier? Can you imagine that sense of unity you would feel being simply human?

Artists would create to bring peace or happiness to the audience or onlookers.
Athletes would perform to bring drama and excitement to everyone's lives and for the love of a game and comradery.

I'm having a societal orgasm just thinking about this utopia.

The key is, however, that there would be not one single person on this planet with any intention of taking advantage of the rest of us. One man with a desire for individual gain would bring this entire imaginary and despairingly impossible world crumbling.

I can just barely imagine this world.
Thinking about it too much makes me forget the real world in which we reside.
I'm pathetic in thinking so, but I like to entertain the idea that this mentality isn't too far off from possibility.
Not even I am so unselfish though.

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